Washington, D.C., July 6, 2021: Several Embassy posts from the US Department of State (DOS) announced today that, effective immediately, all National Interest Exceptions (NIE) are valid for 12 months and multiple entries. So far, reports confirm the US Embassies in Madrid and Berlin have offered the new 12-month NIE treatment to all applicants previously granted an NIE as well as new applicants for an NIE.
Thus, if an visa applicant has already been granted an NIE in the past 12 months, it will remain valid until one year after its original approval date.
As background, NIEs were created by the US Government during the COVID19 pandemic to create exceptions
‘in the national interest’ to US travel restrictions imposed to reduce the potential for spread of the COVID19 virus.
This change is a first step at reducing the burdens on visa applicants – particularly work visa applicants – seeking to travel to the US during the COVID19 pandemic.
We expect similar news reports from other US consulates, and eventually expect that the US Department of State will issue an updated advisory on NIEs on a world-wide basis.
Donoso & Partners, a leading immigration law firm based in Washington, D.C., will continue to report on developments regarding the immigration law and policy through our news section of donosolaw.com.
Donoso & Partners, LLC provide assistance with review and advice regarding eligibility for visas to the U.S. or Canada.